首页 知识 Anadministratornoticesthatsomeoftheirsystemsarerepo


An administrator notices that some of their systems are reporting a number in the eferred Level?column on the HMC pdates?panel. WhatAn administrator notices that some of their systems are reporting a number in the ?eferred Level?column on the HMC ?pdates?panel.What is the meaning of the eferred Level?is the meaning of the ?eferred Level?()

A.The number denotes the firmware level which will be activated when AIX is next rebooted.

B.The number denotes the firmware level which will be activated when all LPARs are next started.

C.The number denotes the firmware level which will be activated when the managed system is next restarted.

D.The number denotes how many days have elapsed since the firmware was installed without the LPARs being reactivated.


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作者: Anita

