首页 知识 YourtaskistoprovisiontheJunossecurityplatformtoper


Your task is to provision the Junos security platform to permit transit packets from the Private zone to the External zone by using an IPsec VPN and log information at the time of session close.Which configuration meets this requirement?()

A. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts;destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn VPN; } } log { session-init; } } }

B. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn VPN; } } count { session-close; } } }

C. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# showpolicy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn VPN;} } log { session-close; } } }

D. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn VPN; log; count session-close; } } } }


本文来自网络,不代表煤炭资讯立场。转载请注明出处: http://www.mtxh.cn/bk/zs-bk/410641.html

作者: Anita

