首页 知识 Yourmanagerhasinformedyouthatonlyspecificuserscanh


Your manager has informed you that only specific users can have access to the Preferred Members role, and that these users are restricted to the Preferred Members role. The Preferred Members role-mapping rule is currently set as the last rule in your role-mapping rules and is based on username. Currently all users are assigned to the Preferred Members role-mapping rule.Which three changes in the admin GUI will enforce your managers change request?()

A. Move the Preferred Members role-mapping rule to the top of the list.

B. Remove the Preferred Members role from the role-mapping rule.

C. Edit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule so that the username is equal to *.

D. Edit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule so that only the select users are assigned to the role-mapping rule.

E. Edit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule and select Stop processing rules when this rule matches.


本文来自网络,不代表煤炭资讯立场。转载请注明出处: http://www.mtxh.cn/bk/zs-bk/410672.html

作者: Anita

